Benefits for managers of CDO and CLO portfolios
As a CDO and CLO manager your work is highly specialised. You will need:
- Tailor-made portfolio management solutions in the form of individual and proprietary analysis tools that match your own structured credit skills
- Tools for replicating the liability structure and waterfall model of each CDO or CLO mandate
- A hypothetical trading engine that will run scenarios on potential trades and show your impact on equity returns and compliance with transaction triggers
- Fast extension of new data fields and market needs
- High level of customizabilty
- A process engine to support your management workflows
Our solution for CDO/ CLO managers - The ABSPlatform™
On a day-to-day basis, you want easily configurable solutions that you can set up as soon as a new CDO or CLO is launched and the warehouse period begins. The modular architecture of our software handles this feature with ease. It gives you a reliable solution that you can easily implement, and which you can refer to during investor presentations or diligence visits.
For the management of structured transaction we provide you with:
- a portfolio management designed particularly for CDO/CLO managers
- a cash-flow and waterfall modelling tool
- customizable monitoring
- flexible reporting with ready-templates
- analytical enhancements
- workflow support over all management processes
- integration and customization
Want to find out more? Please contact us or call our sales manager.