We link your business to IT
Asset securitisation may be a recent entrant to the financial markets, but the field is developing fast. Structured credit products such as ABS, CDO and MBS, and other more complex structures such as CDO2 and synthetic CDOs are now an intrinsic part of the financial markets. This is a highly profitable area of the business finance industry, yet one that's extremely complex.
To meet the challenges of managing and controlling this complex matrix of transaction structures and risk factors, securitisation professionals are looking for sophisticated IT support. They want applications that improve their decision-making and which serve as a reliable informational resource for investors and issuers.
As soon as you decide to invest in professional support through IT Systems, the next task of our operating departments is to define and to specify targets and requirements for your existing IT system.
Securitisation Consulting helps you turn your ABS business needs into achievable IT specifications
But no one should walk into this market unprepared. Talk to us before you invest in new software and we will help you refine your business objectives and specify IT performance targets that will help you achieve those objectives.
Even if you're already clear about what you want from your IT support, you may not know how to express those requirements in terms of IT specifications and technical needs. We can help in this area too. Our professional and technically-experienced consultants can draw on their wide experience of similar projects within the securitisation industry.
With us at your side, you can define your business system targets from a professional and technical perspective, and then carry them forward into efficiently realised IT concepts.
Want to find out more? Please contact us or call our sales manager.