ARMS - Up-to-date ratings for your business!

December 13, 2006 - Düsseldorf, Germany, Securitisation Consulting GmbH, a German consulting and software development company focused on Asset Securitisation, launched a powerful Advanced Rating Management System (ARMS) for a fast and automated integration of external rating data from leading rating agencies (Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's) into financial institution environment.

Timely access to accurate rating information is crucial for any kind of financial business. This is also essential for Asset Securitisation, Portfolio Management and even for Basel II. Rating data is provided electronically by leading rating agencies in different formats and received directly from each agency through the central interface.

Integration of different formats from various agencies usually requires extra effort, time and cost. To make integration of external ratings easier, faster and cost-effective, Securitisation Consulting has developed ARMS - Advanced Rating Management System. ARMS provides reliable rating data for Asset Securitisation, Portfolio Management or Basel II. Ratings are integrated directly into existing IT environment of financial institutions and updated automatically. Our IT solution allows our customers to observe the rating market situation and track its daily changes. Rating data is accessible and easy to use due to the unique ARMS application design and automated mapping logic. We integrate multiple rating formats into a single system and thus, offer our clients a fast and cost-effective solution with a friendly interface.

Yury Menchinskiy, Managing Director of Securitisation Consulting: "Our customers see advantages of ARMS in elimination of manual errors during the process of rating update, lowering the operational risk in Basel II and especially in easy access to up-to-date and accurate ratings from Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's investment portfolios. Using ARMS features it is possible to create an individual rating-migration matrix, based on selected criteria like asset classes or geographical allocation, which are important for sophisticated risk management".

More information about ARMS is available on our web-page at

ARMS Benefits:

  • Automation of rating update process
  • Access to accurate and up-to-date rating data
  • Support of Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's rating formats (each or in combinations)
  • Automated mapping for ratings from different rating agencies
  • Lowering of operational risk in Basel II context
  • Tracking of changes, especially for rating and watches
  • Easy integration into customer's IT environment

About Securitisation Consulting GmbH
Securitisation Consulting GmbH is a leading consulting company, professional in advising banks, funds, other financial institutions on Asset Securitisation and IT. Our mission is to boost your company productivity, providing necessary IT systems to accomplish business targets in most significant processes in the securitisation area. Today we help leading market players to achieve their business objectives, by building IT platforms needed to work with complex products, such as ABS, MBS or various types of CDOs. Besides ABS investment and portfolio managements, we provide effective solutions for reporting, monitoring and risk analysis as a part of our ABSPlatform.

For more information about our services or products please visit our company web-page at

Contact Information
For futher details please contact: or direct +49 (211) 58 00 47 971

Securitisation Consulting GmbH
Borsigstr. 11 / 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany